How do I handle Special Collections material?


  • No more than three volumes and one box may be used at a time. Please use only one file from the box at a time and return it to the box before removing another one.
  • Please keep documents flat on the reading table and in the order that you found them. The original order of manuscript and any unbound material should be preserved.
  • Only pencil and paper may be used to take notes. Please be especially careful not to write on, tear, fold, and/or trace documents. Tracing may cause damaging indentations in rare documents.
  • Book cradles and weights are available for use. Please ask at the Special Collections desk for assistance.
  • Each item must be returned to the Special Collections staff before leaving the room. Books may be reserved for a limited time by arrangement with a Special Collections staff member.
  • Unopened leaves of books will not be cut. Another copy of the book will be provided if available.
  • Please handle materials with clean hands. Patrons may be given white cotton gloves to wear when handling certain materials.
  • Food and drink are not permitted in the reading rooms.
  • West Texas A&M University is a smoke-free institution. Smoking, vaping or use of tobacco products is not permitted in the reading rooms.
  • Last Updated Feb 18, 2020
  • Views 86
  • Answered By Sidnye

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