May I copy Special Collections materials?


Photocopying may be damaging to Special Collections materials. The handling can be physically damaging, but the light and heat of the copy machine may also add to its deterioration. Researchers should take notes if at all possible rather than request photocopies. Special Collections staff reserve the right to determine whether an item's condition allows it to be photocopied.

You must complete and submit a copy of our "Reproduction Services" form for permission to copy and desired reproduction format. Special Collections staff abide by U. S. Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code). Copying will be denied if it does not fall within copyright guidelines and permission to copy has not been obtained from the copyright holder. It is your responsibility to secure permission from the copyright holder to reproduce materials. Permission to copy may also be denied due to the condition of the materials, donor restrictions, and/or other legal restrictions.

Once permission has been given, Special Collections staff will photocopy or scan item(s). There is no self-service photocopying or scanning of Special collections materials using library equipment.

Patrons must obtain permission from the Special Collections Librarian to use any personal scanning or copying equipment in the Reading Room.

When copying/scanning is permitted, only one copy per item may be made. Black and white copying is $.10 per page + tax for 8.5" x 11" (letter size) copies and $.15 per page + tax for 8.5" x 14" (legal size) copies. Color copying is $.20 per page + tax for 8.5" x 11" (letter size) copies and $.30 per page + tax for 8.5" x 14" (legal size) copies. Images can be scanned for a fee. Please ask at the Special Collections Desk for information on available recording formats.

Copies will generally be available for pickup at the Circulation Desk after 4:00 p.m. the following business day, except for weekends and University holidays. Copies ordered on Friday will be available on Monday after 4:00 p.m. and copies ordered before a holiday will be ready 24 hours after the Library resumes normal hours.

Copies will be mailed upon special request. A shipping and handling fee may be assessed.

It is your responsibility to comply with all applicable copyright laws. Receipt of photocopies does not convey receipt of copyright. It is up to you to secure permission from the copyright holder to quote or publish from their work.

Cameras, tape recorders, and hand-held scanners may be used in the Reading Rooms with the permission of the Special Collections librarian.

  • Last Updated Feb 18, 2020
  • Views 116
  • Answered By Sidnye

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