What is a TexShare Card?


For WT Faculty, Staff, and Students

Having a TexShare card entitles the holder to borrow materials when visiting other TexShare libraries. Schools of Medicine and Law may choose to limit loans.


Faculty, emeritus faculty, a currently enrolled student, or current WT staff are eligible for a card. You must be in good standing with the institution. Dependents are not eligible.

How to Receive/Use a TexShare Card

To obtain a card, fill out an application form. If you have a class at WT main campus, please drop by the Research and Access Desk to obtain your card. If you're online-only or only attend via the Amarillo Center or RELLIS, we will mail you your card.

There is no charge; by signing the application, you agree to observe the regulations of the lending library from which you borrow materials.

With the TexShare card, you may now head towards a participating library and request borrowing privileges.


WTAMU Faculty, Emeritus Faculty, Staff
August 31 of year in which issued.
WTAMU Students
End of the semester in which they are currently enrolled - May 15, August 15, and December 15.

Returning Borrowed Materials

Borrowed materials must be returned within the loan period to the lending institution, NOT to Cornette Library. The patron may return the materials in person or by first-class, insured mail. The patron is responsible to the lending institution for costs associated with postage and/or lost or damaged materials. Cornette Library may place holds on WTAMU records for materials that are not properly returned to the lending library

Revocation of Privileges

TexShare borrowing privileges may be revoked at any time by the Cornette Library or withheld by the lending library. Should this privilege be revoked, the card must be surrendered.

For Community Members

The Cornette Library also accepts TexShare Cards from participating TexShare institutions.

  1. Patrons obtain the TexShare Card from their participating institution.
  2. Once you have this card, present it at our Research and Access Desk and complete the required applications to receive a temporary WTAMU library card.

This card grants borrowing privileges to Cornette Library materials. It neither grants ILL privileges nor off-campus access to library databases.

Your library sets the expiration of your TexShare borrowing privileges.

Please return Cornette Library materials to Cornette Library in person or by first-class, insured mail.

Revocation of Privileges

TexShare borrowing privileges may be revoked at any time by the Cornette Library or withheld by the lending library. Should this privilege be revoked, the card must be surrendered.

  • Last Updated Mar 15, 2024
  • Views 540
  • Answered By Amy

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