How do I find a specific journal?


The Cornette Library provides access to many journals via our databases as well as physically in our periodicals department.

If you have a given journal's title or ISSN What is an ISSN?, you can browse or search for that journal using our "Journal Titles" tool, also .

EbscoHost journal titles are listed separately and you will need to search for them within each database. 

Bottom row, second column.

Search by typing the title or ISSN into the search box and either clicking the magnifying class or hitting the "Enter" Key.

Browse by Title by clicking on the letters or other options available below the search bar.

Can't Find the Journal?

If you're unable to find a specific journal through our "Journal Titles" tool, please contact us at (806) 651-2215, by the chat feature located on the bottom right, or by "Email a Librarian" to ensure we have access.

Optionally, you could check for the journal on WorldCat to see what libraries own the journal.

  • Last Updated Jul 20, 2023
  • Views 21
  • Answered By Nancy

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