How can I make sure links to full-text articles from WT databases such as ScienceDirect, Project MUSE, etc. are as viewable off campus as on campus?


Articles available on campus are often only available off campus to authenticated WT users. A URL (web page address) will ensure an off-campus user is authenticated if it begins with the prefix for our proxy server, which is

So if you see, for instance,

you'll want to change that to

If you access the above proxied link from off campus, it will show as

Sharing that link will also work the same as with the prefix.


You might also, especially if the URL in your address bar is particularly long and messy, look for a "Permalink" or "Get Link" or "Remote Access URL" option, on the side or toward the top, which should give you a concise proxied link.


(Another way to ensure that an off-campus WT user has authenticated access to an article from one of our subscription databases is to have them select from our Databases A-Z list the database that includes the article and search in there for the article by title. That should also ensure authenticated access.)    



  • Last Updated Aug 09, 2022
  • Views 345
  • Answered By Steve Ely

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