How do I create an interlibrary loan account?


If there's something you need that we don't have, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan and have it delivered here, usually at no charge.

Creating Your Account

If you haven't used Interlibrary Loan (ILL) before, you'll need to first create a special account for the ILL system. You can create the account by:

  1. Going to Interlibrary Loan Request
  2. Clicking on "Create Account"
  3. Reading and Agreeing to the Copyright Restrictions
  4. Then click on "First Time Users Click Here"

Filling Out the New User Registration Form

On the New User Registration form, watch out for these three things:

  • Your BuffGold number will need 9 digits. The first 3 of those digits will usually all be zeroes. If your ID number is 987123, enter 000987123.
  • The e-mail address must be your WTAMU e-mail address, including the or ending.
  • The username also must be your WTAMU e-mail address, including the or ending.

For more information please visit our: Interlibrary Loan Policy Page (About>Policies>Interlibrary loan)


  • Last Updated Oct 24, 2024
  • Views 31
  • Answered By Amy

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